4 Ways to Increase Semen Ejaculation Volume

Published 10/29/2022
Updated 4/9/2024
6 Minute Read

We all have good questions about ejaculation and semen volume.

Where does it come from? How is it made? Why is it that color? Is something you saw in a video realistic?

But the big question is always just: "how do I cum more?"

Well, let's get specific. Unlike other things (like penis size or how long you last) that can be measured and compared with widely studied averages, it’s unlikely that you’ve ever finished in a beaker to get specific about your semen volume.

That means we have to answer some background questions. How much is normal? Why is there more or less this time? What’s the average for a guy in my age group?

First, know that the amount of semen you ejaculate generally has little to do with fertility, but it has al lot to do with pleasure. We all know that more volume means more pulses when you finish, and that means more pleasure, a longer lasting orgasm, and a massive boost in sexual satisfaction.

So do you want more ejaculation volume? Of course you do.

Let's start by looking at the science behind:

How does your semen volume measure up?

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What is Seminal Fluid?

Seminal fluid is made of more than one thing, and seminal fluid and sperm are different things altogether.

Seminal fluid constitutes the majority of the volume of ejaculate and provides the means by which sperm travel out from the urethra at orgasm. So when you search for how to increase “sperm volume” or "hyperspermia" you really want to know how to increase “seminal fluid volume.”

The different components of seminal fluid are produced in different parts of the reproductive system:

  • Your prostate gland produces prostatic fluid, a clear, acidic substance that allows your sperm to be mobile.
  • Your testes produce sperm. Each drop of semen contains millions of sperm, although the sperm themselves make up a tiny percent of your ejaculate volume.
  • Your Cowper’s glands are two pea-sized glands under the prostate which produce a thick, clear mucus prior to ejaculation (referred to as “pre-cum” or "pre-volume") that serves to clear and neutralize the acidity of the urethra prior to ejaculation.
  • Your seminal vesicles also produce fluid, which makes up the majority of the semen you ejaculate (about 50 to 80 percent). This fluid is what gives your semen its whitish color, and it also contains sugar, alkaline fluid and clotting agents which allow your sperm to temporarily survive inside a vagina.

All day long, your prostate, testes, Cowper’s glands, and seminal vesicles are filling your reserves, getting ready for you to ejaculate, and in the afterglow of an orgasm, they get to work re-filling. If you want to increase your semen volume, it’s important to give all of these organs as much help as you can! Read on to find out the proven ways to do that.

How to Increase Seminal Fluid

The first question to ask is, "Do you really want to increase your semen volume?" But that’s a no brainer, it’s all too natural to want more volume when you finish.

First, humans, and especially men, are visual creatures. Our eyes are hard-wired into our brains in a way unlike many other mammals. All men have experienced how catching the right glimpse of the right moment can immediately change your physiology, start pumping blood downstairs and change your mood. Well the same is true for your orgasm. Seeing that you can release a visually satisfying load can be a critical part of your satisfaction (and your partner's satisfaction) with your sexual performance, in a very real and noticeable way.

Second, it’s a simple matter of physics. If you’re releasing more seminal fluid, it’s going to take longer and be more work for your ejaculation muscles. So it’s going to take additional muscle pulses, or contractions, to pump out that load. Although your satisfaction with your orgasm varies on a number of factors, many men report that additional orgasm pulses can really increase your sexual satisfaction in a big way.

Now that we know more is better, let’s look at the things that you can do that can improve your ejaculate volume.

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The Holy Grail of Volume

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1. Don’t Set Yourself Back

While there are four main things you can do to increase your semen volume, the first step is to cut out things that can be setting you back and actually reducing your volume.

The main culprits here are excess smoking, drug use, and consumption of deep-fried and overly processed foods. General health stuff.

In addition to possibly contributing to erectile dysfunction, over consumption of toxins from these unhealthy habits has been suggested by research to also contribute to a reduction in semen volume. Studies have shown that increasing consumption of these unhealthy toxins caused a reduction in semen volume at each higher level of intake.

But the good news is that these studies also show that there is a “restorative effect” on semen volume for men who start to consume less or quit altogether.

2. Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

As mentioned above, your pelvic floor muscles are what actually do the heavy lifting of ejaculating your seminal fluid. And weak muscles here may be the main cause of your dissatisfying ejaculation, or they could be sabotaging any other gains you make in increasing your load. Luckily, strengthening these muscles is simple and straight-forward through exercise called Kegels. They are easy to do, and you can do them virtually anywhere.

In addition to helping with your volume increase goal, some men have subjectively reported improvements in premature ejaculation, erection hardness, and orgasm intensity after pelvic muscle training.

Read our guide to pelvic floor exercises here, it’s a good training program that you can do in just a few minutes a day.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

That brings us to the third tip: eating a balanced diet. Nutritious food is obviously important to all your bodily functions, and your sexual performance is no different.

A healthier diet has been shown to be beneficial to your sperm health specifically and your cardiovascular health too, which is important for blood flow in your reproductive organs. In addition to these known benefits, anecdotal evidence has established relationships between eating a clean nutritious diet and better sexual performance.

But the most important part of your diet for semen volume increase is water. Drink lots of water. Your semen is a fluid, and like your other bodily fluids, the more water you drink the more you'll have.

4. The Big One: The Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase

If you came here looking for a cheat code to increase your ejaculation volume once and for all, you came to the right place. Congratulations, you made it through all of the background information to finally reach the promised land: The Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase.

The Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase has been tested and proven in the real world by thousands of men to reliable increase semen volume.

What is it? It’s a 100% pure formula of the three volume increasing ingredients, in their minimum effective doses: pygeum, lecithin, and zinc. These three ingredients work together to stimulate all of the organs involved in the creation of your seminal fluid, giving you a well-rounded and reliable increase in seminal fluid volume.

  • Pygeum stimulates the Cowper’s glands, which produces your “pre-cum.” When taken constantly, men have claimed to “leak like a damn faucet” when aroused.
  • Lecithin is a precursor to the substance your seminal vesicles produces. This fluid makes up the main 50 to 80 percent of your volume, and supplementing lecithin has been noticed to contribute to the main volume increase.
  • Zinc is vital to overall male reproductive health, in this case helping with the proper function of the prostate and testes, which produce the essential ingredients of your seminal fluid.

The protocol for unlocking a massive increase in volume is to take the Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase formula for at least two to three weeks, with plenty of water, and wait for the ingredients to build up in your system. Once a sufficient concentration is built up, the semen producing organs are supercharged, a threshold is crossed, and a semen volume increase initiates rapidly and often dramatically.

If you’re serious about increasing your semen volume, supplementing these ingredients is essential. If you achieve even half the volume boost that some men have reported with the Holy Grail of Volume Increase, you’re going to be very happy. The only regret you’re gonna have is that you didn’t find it sooner.

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What Is the Normal Volume Amount?

You probably know from experience that your semen volume will vary based on a number of factors (the main factor being how long ago was your last ejaculation). But still, what is normal?

According to studies, a “healthy” ejaculation volume is anything more than 1.5 mL (about the size that would fill a typical plastic bottle cap, or 1.5x the size of a typical sugar cube).

If you’re ejaculating more than that, good job! These same studies say the average range of semen volume that’s ejaculated at orgasm ranges from 1.25mL to 5mL (one teaspoon is exactly 5mL, or just over the size of two pairs of dice).

What Causes Low Semen Volume?

Like we said above, you probably know yourself that your semen volume will vary normally. But if you notice that you’re constantly ejaculating less than normal, it could be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Recent previous ejaculations
  • Aging
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Consuming drugs
  • Your overall health
  • Genetic factors
  • A blockage of the genital tract

Recent Ejaculation

The most easily explained cause of low ejaculation volume is having ejaculated recently. Remember, your reproductive organs are working all day to fill your reserves, but after you ejaculate the seminal fluid, it takes time to build up volume again. Recent ejaculation means less volume for the next orgasm.

Getting Older

It’s normal for your semen production to decline as you age. Like most bodily functions in men, semen volume production reaches its height in the 30s and the volume produced gradually declines on a daily basis. Getting older also weakens your body’s muscles, including the pelvic floor muscles. That means it can be even more beneficial to train the Kegel exercises as you age. And, it’s important to give all your organs, especially your reproductive organs, the best tools to work with, like making sure you supplement the essential semen volume increase ingredients.

Other Causes

There are several other causes of lower ejaculation volume, although they are generally less common. If you’ve addressed the issues you can control (lots of water, kegels, and the Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase formula) and you’re still concerned about your volume, talk to a healthcare provider.

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The Summary: How to Increase Semen Volume

Your body’s production of semen volume is based multiple factors, and it’s important to address them all if you want to see a noticeable increase in volume:

  • First, remove the things that could be decreasing your volume.
  • Second, strengthen the muscles that actually shoot your load.
  • Third, drink plenty of water and keep a relatively healthy diet.
  • Fourth, get yourself the Holy Grail of Semen Volume Increase!
  • Lastly, remember that while it looks great and feels even better, more seminal fluid volume isn’t required for a healthy sex life, or if you’re trying to conceive. Don’t stress yourself out about it, and just handle the factors that you can control.

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